The holidays are again upon us and if neither the mirror nor the scale is telling a story you want to hear, then you know what's coming...NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTIONS!
For millions of people the coming New Year brings about the feeling of hope and an internal fire that this year will be THE Year that they finally get into shape! They have high hopes that on January 2nd they will get their eating under control, begin hitting the gym and by Summer, they will have the super fit body they have always wanted. While it IS possible, life often gets in the way and coming Winter the following year, they are usually found making those same goals. BUT, with a simple, effective plan of action, you CAN make those New Year's Resolutions stick and lose fat, gain muscle, and get into fantastic shape!
Here are 5 easy to follow ways that you can jump start your New Year's Resolutions in order to get the body you have always wanted:
Set REALISTIC goals- Start off by writing down some very specific but ACHIEVEABLE goals. Losing 50 lbs. by Summer is not easy, nor is getting a ripped 6-pack. Set some realistic goals such as LOSE 5 LBS OF FAT, WORKOUT 4 DAYS PER WEEK, STOP DRINKING you hit your goals consistently, you can certainly create news ones but if you set the bar too high and fail to reach it, it is likely you will lose interest with the program altogether.
Plan your meals- Meal planning is one of the best ways to stick to any health and fitness program and a great way to kick off your New Year's Resolutions. Whether you cook healthy foods and put them in plastic containers to eat throughout the week or you purchase any of the healthy meal delivery programs that exist today, planning healthy meals and STICKING to them will absolutely help you get where you're going.
Choose a workout or exercise routine that you LOVE- When the New Year hits and your motivation is on HIGH, you may be tempted to jump into any type of workout to get moving. While this is not a bad idea, if the workout is something that you don't end up loving long term, you may quit going and your resolutions may quickly fall apart. Instead, try a variety of workouts to see what you really enjoy. Pilates, Yoga, MMA, Bootcamp, CrossFit the list is long and there is certainly an exercise program out there that you will really enjoy. Find the one you love and stick to it!
Grab a friend to join you- Another fantastic way to jumpstart your New Year's Resolutions and stick to them is by partnering up with a friend or family member who has similar goals. By tackling these resolutions together, you can help plan meals, workouts and motivate each other every step of the way.
Keep it real with daily or weekly postings-Finally, post you progress publicly. We all have social media these days, so simply post your resolutions on your accounts and allow your friends to watch your journey unfold. You can post pics of your meals, your workouts, and simply enlist the help of others to offer you suggestions that will help you stay on track. You don't have to post pics of you in a bathing suit (unless that's your thing) but by making your journey a public one, it is more likely that you will stick with the program and realize your New Year Resolution goals.
So, are you committed to making this year the year you make it happen!? Just take some time, follow the tips above, and you absolutely can achieve your New Year's Resolutions goals once and for all!
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